Ranch Airstrip Improvements
The airstrip at the ranch was originally limited to use by experienced pilots and certain types of aircraft. With a substantial improvement plan to eliminate obstacles and the establishment of buffalo grass completed, we now have a 60 ft wide and 2600 ft unobstructed turf airstrip with a 1200 ft gravel over-run on the south end. If you plan to land here at the Ranch, we require that you download the Ringneck Ranch Airstrip Information Page below and fax or emaial a signed copy to us with the pilot and aircraft information completed.

Other Private Flying Options
Large twins with heavy loads and light jets should plan to land at Beloit, Kansas (K61). Beloit has a 4200 ft runway with an IFR approach. Drive time from Beloit to Ringneck Ranch – 30 minutes.
Medium jets and larger should plan to land at Salina, Kansas (SLN). Salina has 10,000 ft runway, full ILS approach. Drive time from Salina to Ringneck Ranch – 1 hour 20 minutes.
For all aircraft headed for a Ringneck Ranch destination airport, please call the ranch office at 785-373-4835 prior to take-off to verify arrival airport & ETA for ground transportation.
Important Notice for Private Flights
You must print the airstrip information pages and fax us (785-373-4059) a signed copy for our records, before using the Ringneck Ranch airstrip. Check your aircraft insurance for use of private airstrips.
Left: Looking south down Buffalo sod strip Rwy. 18, 2600 ft.
Right: Looking north down Buffalo sod strip Rwy. 36, 2600 ft.